A treat for your feet

Our feet are often neglected.  They are hidden away during the winter months, covered up by socks and boots yet when the sun comes out and we shed the layers and it shouldn’t be a surprise that our feet can look a bit of a sorry state.

So here is a simple plan – When you get out of the shower or bath, dry your feet well – especially between the toes and apply a bit of foot balm – do this every day!  Then those sore, dry, cracked heels will soon be soft and comfortable.

You should trim your toe nails regularly using sharp clippers-.  Cut straight across, not round or too short.

Once a week treat your feet to a pamper with a soak in a bowl of warm water and Epsom salts and maybe some essential oils. This is relaxing and good for your ‘sole’!

Of course, I would say this wouldn’t I? – visit your local friendly foot health practitioner every 6-8 weeks to help keep your feet tidy and healthy.  Your feet carry you around every day – they deserve to be treated well!

Ellen Badat

As a web designer based in Gloucester, I have been designing websites for over 20 years by taking my clients ideas and turning them into great looking websites.


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